=== Sticky Anything === Contributors: aaronj1998, davros20 Tags: stick, stickanything, sticky, stick, jquery Requires at least: 1.0.0 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.1.5 Stick anything on your website! == Description == Make ANY element on your website sticky. Use for sidebars, headers, call to actions, the list goes on! We've made the sticky process super simplistic!

Key points

Multiple sticky elements on one page. Target multiple css classes on one page giving you get complete control over your sticky elements.

Stick absolutely anything. We didn't name the plugin Sticky Anything for no reason!

Responsive Controls. Control what screen-sizes elements should stick and unstick.

100s of customisability combinations. Sticky elements can be customised to suit their individual needs.

== Installation == == Frequently Asked Questions == == Changelog == = 2.1.3 = Wordpress 5.5 Compatibility